Sunday, January 31, 2010

A day in the air

Excepts from journal- (unedited)

Monday, 25

After rarely shedding a tear or two the past several years, I have cried quite a bit. I had evidently forgotten what heartbreak is like.

We were served an elegant lunch with two Heineken Beers, although I had asked for "club soda or seltzer." Sounds similar, no? Well, I guess I looked like I needed two beers.

The seatbacks have their own entertainment, and first I chose the movie "Up." Okay, so it's an animated movie. It was so beautiful, and , of course, I though of Raul the whole time.

Yes, the whole time. And I cried. For a digitally animated film. Over and over. I was jealous of the love the film portrays.

The plane ride was comfortable, but is was sooo long. Luckily, I made it safely to Jo'burg and on to Cape Town, where Kamal was waiting to fetch me.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Jan 25 - 28

It's been a little weird to be in the apartment with out Aiden. That was clear the moment I returned from the airport.

Magan (my Papyrus buddy) came over to help me organize the place to show for potential sublets. She also helped keep me in check and finish my NYC Teaching Fellowship application before the 11:59 pm deadline. Success!

Ande will be the new roommate. The other potential sublets were indifferent to the place or rescheduled. But she came, and she loved the place. Let's hope this works out. We were also Greg's saving grace. We really helped him by posting the sublet post for our apt. And I've helped him again. He's going to sublet my room in Crown Heights (yeah... I forgot about that too) for the month of February. We all win: He has somewhere to stay for Feb until he figures out what to do next, I have someone to cover rent for the month of Feb and can still comply to a proper 30 day notice, and Carlee and Bessie have 30days to find someone new/permanent for the room.

Against your wishes I'm taking yet another class. But understand, I need to keep busy, they'll only boost my GPA and most importantly, with this amount of credits (enrolled for 12) i'll be covered completely by the financial aid that i was deprived of altogether last fall. Spanish translation workshop, Gay and Lesbian theatre and of course thesis credits again.

I hung out with the Scottsman tonight. It was comforting to have the company. The difficulty is having to openly discuss this long-distance situation, which obviously came up in conversation. I get sad and my eyes water. So he suggested for me to go to a movie, and I did. The last showing of "It's Complicated" (the Meryl Streep/ Alec Baldwin rom-com) at the Times Square Regal Cinema. I took a cab down from 97th and 5th to the cinema, and it was such a beautiful night to be alongside the park. Clear skies, the westside peeping over the tops of the trees and the magic of 59th street.

Then there was the never-ending light spectacular known as Times Square. I knew that under all this artificial light, it was as if I were to be out in the African sun with you on your morning.

It's starting to snow. I wish you were here.
Our yard looks lovely.

Monday, January 25, 2010

First post

So it is approximately 5 am here in NY. Aiden and I spent the whole night assembling and disassembling our lives. He's packed up and ready to go to Cape Town, and I'm (somewhat) settled in to our apartment here in Brooklyn.

Is it rough, yes. There's a lot of anxiety. That's why there's also an over-priced bottle of champagne open.

Cheers to us. Best of luck on our blogging experience as well as our other means of communicating.